
Session 1: Justice, Sustainability & Climate Resilient Cities | Session 2: Coastal Mayors City Talk | Session 3:
Inclusive Placemaking &t Development
| Session 4: A Conversation with Eric Klinenberg | Speaker Lineup

The program for ‘Art of City Building 2020: Under Water’ was designed to inspire conversations around urgency in action and change as it relates to the global pandemic crisis, the climate crisis, the economic crisis and the crisis of inequity and social justice. Art of City Building 2020 brought together thought leaders and disruptors from around the globe to challenge and inspire participants to think about their cities and themselves in new ways. By building participation in rethinking a city like Halifax in a way that balances economic growth and social inclusion with environmental regeneration, with the goal of helping to shape a city where everyone can thrive by the sea.

#AoCB2020 featured a partnership with the Canadian Urban Institute to bring the conversation to an international audience online. It was an opportunity to push the boundaries of a digital conference to include not only thought leaders from around the globe, but also greater interactivity and engagement with the audience and the community. The ultimate goal of Art of City Building is to engage, consider, inspire and activate people to participate in building more resilient cities in the face of such significant adversity and change.


Session 1: Justice, Sustainability & Climate Resilient Cities

Including presentations by Katherine Peinhardt, Jeff Goodell, Julian Agyeman & Tamika Butler. Moderated by Alex Bozicovic.


Session 2::

Coastal Mayors City Talk

Part of the Canadian Urban Institute’s CityTalk series of online, candid conversations, which brings together city builders of all stripes to discuss what’s working, what’s not and what’s next for urban communities across Canada. In the theme of ‘Under Water’, watch this conversation between Mary W. Rowe, Mayor Mike Savage (Halifax) and Mayor Lisa Helps (Victoria)

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Session 3:
Inclusive Placemaking & Development

Including presentations by Rodney Small, Jay Pitter, Albus Brooks, Uytae Lee and Kimberly Driggins. Moderated by Paul MacKinnon


Session 4:
A Conversation with
Eric Klinenberg

Including presentation by Eric Klinenberg. Q&A with Åsa Kachan, Jen Angel and Mary W. Rowe

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