Kate Joncas

Director of Urban Strategy and Development, MIG, Seattle, Washington, United States

Kate Joncas is an urban development expert with a proven track record of implementation. By fostering public and private sector collaboration, she designs innovative strategies that address complex problems in urban areas of all sizes. As Seattle Deputy Mayor she led waterfront redevelopment and creation of a new waterfront park and the negotiations for the Convention Center expansion. While CEO of the Downtown Seattle Association she led one of the most successful revitalization projects in the country, including creation of the Downtown Business Improvement District. She has successfully tackled a wide range of challenges facing communities in an era of rapid change and rising disparity.

As MIG’s Director of Urban Strategy and Development, Kate offers her finely honed expertise and skills as a facilitator and strategist to bring people of different backgrounds and perspectives together in defining and pursuing a shared strategic vision to improve their communities. Her intimate knowledge   of public, private and nonprofit sectors; urban project management; real estate development; governance and decision-making combined with her deep experience in stakeholder engagement and politics enables her to interact with all parties of interest. She is active in the international downtown community and sits on boards and commissions in service to the profession.